New York City: Maker Faire!!!

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." -Albert Einstein
This is a very meaningful quote and said than none other than the inventor himself Albert Einstein. Hello people of the internet, today I will be talking about an experience I had that is related to engineering. I had a chance this year to go to NYC's Maker Faire and be able to experience almost everything that was presented. I know I am a bit late since the Fair was held on September 23, but better late than ever. I have been desperate to talk about my experience about this event, but was just swamped with college work. Never mind that though lets get right to it!

 When we got off the subway, we started to make our way towards the Faire. In the picture above you are able to see the Arthur Ashe stadium where the U.S Open takes place. You can see some construction going on and the many of the stationed subways.
 Accompanying me in this trip is Ronald Grosinger(left) and Kevin Lizama(right). We were all looking forward to this event and I honestly can't imagine any other people who share the same interests in machines as me to come along with me.
 Here is a quick shot I took where the billboard says "Welcome to the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center"
 A photo I took inside the plaza of the park.
 Walking through this park felt so relaxing =). Even though we were in the city, you wouldn't think you would be walking down this path.
 When we got to the end of the path, we were able to witness this amazing sight. This is the Unisphere made out of stainless steel! The view was so beautiful and I couldn't wait for what lied ahead that day.
 Here is a plaque that is placed in front of the globe, sorry if it is hard to read in advance.
 Another pleasant view I was able to witness through the plaza.
 Ronald trying to get in his morning stretch routine.😂
 Now this is a view that I will probably never forget. What can possibly more magical than this rainbow  in this beautiful scenery!!
 The Queens Museum was nearby but unfortunately that wasn't the reason why I was there that day.

 I am a huge Star Wars fan and this completely pumped me out!!! It's not every day you get to see fully functional R2D2's. You were able to interact with them and this honestly thrilled me for the rest of the day.
 This wooden ant was able to move by itself, as if already that wasn't cool enough. So many inventions and technology left and right.
 Once you see a rocket poking out in the middle of  the fair you have to tell yourself, YOU HAVE TO GO SEE THAT!
 I wonder what rocket park has in store?

 The rocket in the first picture is bigger than the second one, I sadly don't remember the names of them :(.

 This billboard shows a vintage photo taken in the New York World's Fair and how the museum was donated the rocket ships and the Unisphere symbolizing the human emergence into space!
 How much HOTTER can this fair get???

In this fair, there was a huge section dedicated just to 3D printing. I am familiar with this machine since both Bergen Community College and my previous high school WNY Memorial High School own 3D printers. The Creations made with this machine were amazing and the following were just a few things I was able to witness.
 Both the Iron Man helmet and his hand had me excited. I am also a huge Marvel fan and this made me happy. How awesome is it to see how technology can make such cool things! However this isn't the only Marvel thing happening.....

Baby Groot seemed to be everywhere, but I don't mind look how cute he looks. I can't express enough how amazing this all was. 
Another Marvel product 3D printed and this looked way more epic. Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, looked so real and so detailed looking. I even had the privilege to carry the hammer! I guess I am worthy then...
If you're a gamer, you can recognize this as the helmet of Master Chief in the game Halo. 

Aside from 3D printing, there was also miniature models presented at the fair. However, they weren't made from that machine, rather it was made by a laser wood cutting machine. Everything made by that machine had a unique look to it. There was only one thing that made these even more cooler looking.

A MODEL OF THE MILLENNIUM FALCON!!! This was so epic looking and the details was amazing and I was shocked by how similar it looks to the real thing. This fair was really a great event but there was still so much more to see.

In that same stand, they also made fidget spinners, but one that caught my eye was the batman laser cutted one. It looked cool looking and made me feel powered, it was a nice feeling.
 Going inside the New York Hall of Science you were able to see so many marvelous things. I couldn't take that many pictures since most of the time I was admiring the place rather than trying to take a picture of everything. One picture I had take and enjoyed is the one above. It's basically small vintage TV's receiving signals of a broadcast of planets way back. It looked really neat and it was aesthetically pleasing to look at.
 This was one painting out of many that you were able to look at in the gallery. When I look at it , I feel calm and worry free. What do you feel when you look at it?
 Are we getting invaded by aliens already???
 Streams of yellow and pink that were nice to look at, everywhere you look there is a pleasant site.
 I was having a lot of fun playing around with everything, but I'm guessing that's the point :).

Did not know you were able to see living animals and insects in this museum, still it was cool to see these in action. 
Sometimes it feels like we are going on forever with no end.

There were many sections in this fair. A sections where I didn't really take pictures was the coding section. In this section there was many people talking about different programs and it's benefits and it all seemed like so much, but many people were interested in it and that made me happy. This experience will be unforgettable and I really am looking forward to next year and can't wait to see what it has in store for me, until then see you soon!!


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